301 Search results

For the term "STEM".

Hands-On Physical Science in Middle School

Hands-On Physical Science challenges 6th-8th graders to develop ways to solve tasks and answer questions using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach, taking abstract physics and chemistry concepts and make them more concrete and real-world, writes teacher Tracy Albers.

Build STEAMy Music Instruments at Home

When stay-at-home kids (or students) need an engaging project to grab their interest, introduce them to creating STEAM-y musical instruments they can craft from household items. STEM educator Anne Jolly shares ways to help 4-8 graders try out ocean drums, panpipes and more.

4 Vocab Steps Help Kids Grasp Information Text

Understanding concept words like ‘innovative’ can help students to make sense of complex sources. Britany Harris and Sunday Cummins share a four-step process to introduce a few new vocabulary words before reading an information text and then focus on them as kids read, talk and write.

Spying STEAM Projects from a Theatre Balcony

The magic of Les Misérables has Anne Jolly revisiting her ideas about whether STEAM deserves a spot next to STEM on the list of science acronyms. The musical’s set engineering left her amazed. See her latest reflection on what’s essential for the marriage of Arts and STEM.

How School Leaders Can Handle Decision Fatigue

We lead busy lives and even the best leaders and the most astute decision makers are subject to “decision fatigue.” Author-educators Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn believe it is imperative for school leaders to “adopt strategies to minimize its negative impact.”

Build Skills with Quick STEM Mini-Lessons

You’re about to launch your class into a full-fledged STEM project when you realize your students lack a particular skill set. Why not start with one or more mini-lessons? Anne Jolly offers an illustrative example – teaching teams how to develop criteria and constraints.