1184 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Providing Our Writers with Genre Choices

Matt Glover shows teachers how they can marry genre units with craft and process studies to give students choice and agency throughout the school year. ELA teacher Rebecca Crockett thanks Glover for revealing ways to teach state standards and give writers more autonomy.

The Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music

Robert Marzano and two colleagues have developed what will surely become the go-to resource for planning, designing, implementing, and assessing teaching art and music, using Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching framework, writes curriculum coordinator Alex Valencic.

Launching a School Year in Uncertain Times

Amid the uncertainty facing teachers and principals this fall, Ronald Williamson and Barbara R. Blackburn offer strategies to keep the safety of students and staff uppermost, to communicate often with your school community, and to sustain your school’s culture.

Our 21 Most Popular Pandemic Posts

We’ve collected our 16 most-read posts with pandemic themes, from March 15 through today. Each has thousands of visits, retweets and shares. Check out our summaries and explore – there’s plenty here to help with fall planning and teaching. And keep watching for more!

10 Actions That Put Student Writers First

How do we put our young writers first? We seek to develop a mindset and actions that provide opportunity, dignity, and encouragement, says literacy expert Regie Routman. Then we carefully tailor feedback that celebrates strengths and boosts each and every writer’s confidence.

Tap Out! Help Students Self-Assess Fast

For a fresh, fun way to quickly assess student progress, try having them “Tap Out!” in person or online. Kids can think about their efforts toward meeting a learning target, and teachers get ongoing formative assessment data, writes NBCT Rita Platt. Lots of tips and tools!