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5 Steps Toward Cultural Competence in Schools

The slow burn of racial injustice has once again erupted in a blaze of protests – illuminating long-standing social, economic, and educational disparities and divisions. Only this time is different, writes Vernita Mayfield. And it demands cultural competency from every educator.

Sharing the Joy of Reading with Students

To motivate students to embrace independent reading, Kasey Short recommends we help them find the right books, use authentic assignments for accountability, and provide the time to read – all to help build a classroom climate where reading is valued, enjoyed and celebrated.

Picture Books Help with Standards and Mastery

Jennifer Sniadecki and Jason DeHart dive deep into using picture books in upper level classrooms to meet state standards and increase student mastery. In this 3rd post on the topic they share examples, research, and stories from their own teaching experiences.

Becoming the Virtual Teacher My Students Need

In March, when her physical classroom vanished, NBCT Kathie Palmieri knew she had to embrace her career-long passion for professional growth. Here’s how she tapped into best practice research and her own skill set to design online learning that kept kids and parents engaged.

Survey: What Kids Said about Remote Learning

Responding to a survey by Rita Platt, middle graders reveal what worked and what didn’t for them during their spring of virtual learning: more freedom and free time warred with tech glitches, months without friends, and less time with teachers. Rita shares some things we might do better.

Sharing Your Expertise with the World

Jenny Rankin writes that sharing teachers’ individual wisdom and expertise with the world is necessary, and, more importantly, possible. Read Rankin’s book to feel encouraged and inspired in your quest to expand your impact on the world, says teacher-reviewer Kathleen Palmieri.