1354 Search results

For the term "Round Hill City phone number 1-614-647-0039 Electrical service companies near me".

Helping Students Who Do Poorly on Purpose

Doing Poorly on Purpose by G&T specialist Dr. James Delisle explores how to help smart students who do poorly in school. Many of the ideas can be effective with any student, says teacher Elizabeth OBrien. Strategies include reaching underachievers and “selective customers.”

More Ideas to Spark Mathematical Creativity

The use of open-ended, visual tasks is a very non-traditional way of teaching and learning math. But its potential for expanding students’ mathematical creativity and understanding makes it well worth exploring! Math education consultant Jerry Burkhart shares examples.

The Essentials of Visual Learning and Teaching

Learning to decode visuals and graphics is an essential skill for everyone, but most especially for visual-spatial learners, which includes most ADHD students. Susan Daniels’ book provides essential explanations and many teaching resources for K-8, says educator Joanne Bell.

When Values and Mission Guide Your Decisions

Being mindful of what is driving the decisions we make as educators is valuable. A good place to start is by defining our own core values. New principal Rita Platt shares a method for distilling those values and tells how she applied hers to several school decisions.

Be the Change: Teach Social Comprehension

Educator Sarah Cooper finds herself gravitating to teaching books that call our social consciences awake, as Sara K. Ahmed’s Being the Change does as it asks teachers to be even more human in the classroom and thus impel your students to share their humanity with you.

3 Ways to Help Students Analyze Visual Texts

Kids love visual texts such as art and photographs, but as with written texts, they often don’t know where to begin when asked to look at the works critically. Author and NBCT Marilyn Pryle finds that if given specific doorways, her students have much richer discussions.