1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Using Photography to Enliven Student Writing

At the heart of Ralph Fletcher’s Focus Lessons, writes Jeny Randall, teachers will find lessons that can help students connect the photographic concepts of tension, point of view, and mood to the craft of writing – so that the idea of sensory details becomes concrete.

Students Learn Better When They’re Moving

Effective teaching means engaging kids intellectually, socially AND physically. Educators who work strategically to include elements of kinesthetic activity will have students who are attentive, making connections, and able to recall later on. Curtis Chandler shows how.

Our Students Need a New Definition of Writing

The narrow “alphabetic” definition of writing found in many school classrooms actively disengages youth, says literacy author Shawna Coppola. Students simply prefer to compose using forms that incorporate visual, aural, and multimodal texts as a way to make or enhance meaning.

Decolonizing My List of YA Speculative Fiction

Where were the authors of color in Dina Strasser’s recent recommended list of speculative fiction for YA readers? Dina revisits her December post and considers why she overlooked women of color. Her commitment to being more inclusive includes new titles and future reviews.