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No Room for Ego in Teaching or Learning

Picture Rita Platt standing still in the school lunchroom, full tray in hands, skirt around her ankles. For real. After 20 years as an educator, she takes humiliation in stride, mostly. Find out her tips for damping down ego and building community at the same time.

Understanding & Using Reading Assessment

The wonderful thing about teaching is there’s always more to learn. History teacher Michael DiClemente has been looking into reading (which his students do lots of). Peter Afflerbach’s Understanding and Using Reading Assessment has him rethinking his classroom practice.

A to Z Advocacy Advice for School Leaders

Take an alphabetical tour through advocating for your school in this new book from Robert Blackburn, Barbara Blackburn and Ronald Williamson. Former principal Mary Langer Thompson shares the highlights and suggests the book can be most helpful in ed leadership classes.

Use Kids’ Questions to Launch Math Adventures

Mathematics author and consultant Jerry Burkhart is back with more ways to get students excited about the magic of numbers and ready to become “adventurous learners.” His interactions with a middle grades enrichment class may spark engaging ideas of your own.

Literacy Essentials for All of Our Learners

If you want your all of your students to love reading and writing and all to be excellent readers and writers, Regie Routman’s new book will inspire, teach, gently cajole, and help you move your literacy teaching forward in service of these goals, says Rita Platt.

6 Work Habits We Can Learn from Students

We’re always talking to students about study habits, writes Roxanna Elden, but sometimes teachers need better methods for managing our own daily responsibilities. Good news! Embedded in some of the very lectures we give to our students are tips that can work for us, too.

Use Think Alouds to Foster Strategic Readers

Teacher think alouds should not be spur of the moment but carefully planned events built around specific objectives and your thoughtful analysis of the text in question. Molly Ness’s 3-step process will fully prepare you to wow your students, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

10 Ways to Build the Trust Kids Need to Learn

It’s difficult to learn from someone we don’t trust, writes literacy consultant Regie Routman. Bonding with individual students and their families builds that trust. Routman offers 10 ways to make sure that none of our students ever become “mostly silent and unseen.”