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A Guide to Grading for Student Growth

Jonathan Cornue does an excellent job presenting standards-based grading’s nuances, critical players, and the steps to transition from a traditional 100-point grading system. Teacher Julie Bernardi says the 30-step process, including checkpoints, can be a valuable guide.

Literacy Essentials at a Busy Teacher’s Fingertips

The practical format of Regie Routman’s Literacy Essentials makes reading this robust, idea-packed book a pleasure. Its many examples, pictures, anchor charts, lesson plans, and lists make the advice easy to access and implement, writes improvement specialist Deana Jones.

Doodling Makes Learning More Sticky for Students

Anyone can doodle, writes Dr. Susan Daniels. When students doodle to represent concepts and ideas, they synthesize information and encode it in memory for easy recall and retrieval. It’s a well-researched strategy that can be used across grade levels and subject areas.

Summer Me’s Joys Make Way for September

As summer flirts with Labor Day, Laurie Lichtenstein recalls the joys of being her “Summer Me” – a time for long walks and paddling trips, reading books and ignoring lists. As school dreams begin again, she relishes her last August days and plans for another great year.