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José Vilson’s New Narrative

Teacher José Vilson’s must-read book, This Is Not A Test, cuts through political platitudes into the heart of America’s unresolved contradictions: public education and democratic principles; equity and privilege, race and class, says reviewer John Norton.

The 5 Rules of Student Engagement

Teachers who fail to actively involve students in learning experiences are mired in mediocrity, says educator Barbara Blackburn. The author of Rigor Is Not a 4-Letter Word shares five rules for student engagement she’s discovered, with examples from her own teaching and consulting.

History vs. Hollywood: Who Gets the Story Right?

Numerous historical adaptions have been nominated for Academy Awards in recent years. Media literacy expert Frank W. Baker offers ideas and resources to help students examine their historical accuracy and address a middle-level Common Core standard.

Teen Life Today: It Sure Is Complicated

In her book about the social life of networked teens, Internet scholar danah boyd “issues a call to all of us who are adults to take more time to understand the shifts now taking place,” 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson writes. The guidance role of teachers & parents “has never been more important, nor more complicated.”

Engineer a Great Middle School STEM Curriculum

While there’s no one-size-fits-all STEM curriculum design for middle school, says expert Anne Jolly, the best programs she has seen have eight things in common. “Over the course of their middle school journey, students should be thoroughly immersed in all of these components.”