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Tackling Debate in the Middle Level Classroom

This fall at her students’ instigation, Amber Chandler decided to give debate a try. She describes her process, her inclusive approach, and several lessons learned during a positive experience that also supported common core standards. Videos included!

PAIRing with Parents to Improve Student Learning

Want to improve relationships between families and school? Teachers benefit when learning is reinforced and supported from home. Consultant Barbara Blackburn has tips on how to PAIR with parents and avoid school-side mistakes that weaken engagement.

Listening and Speaking: Essential Skills

Erik Palmer makes a compelling case for the explicit instruction of communication skills in Teaching the Core Skills of Listening and Speaking, relating them to CCSS anchor standards and providing helpful lessons and good advice, says reviewer Rebecca Crockett.

Student Health: 5 Things Teachers Should Know

The spectrum of health issues our students face is mind-boggling, but our response to their needs shouldn’t be. With forethought and guidance from school personnel, worries about children with health conditions can be reduced, says teacher Beth Morrow.

How to Create an Effective Teaching Plan

The most effective teachers know that if you want to have a great lesson, you need to plan a great lesson, say experts Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux. Novice teachers will appreciate their handy planning checklist. Bonus download: How to overplan!