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We Read and We Write – Wherever We Are.

On the day after school was declared closed, ELA teacher Brent Gilson greeted students from behind a “desk wall” as they came by to pick up personal gear and borrow books from his class library. One girl’s wonderful note inspired him to write a hopeful message of his own.

How to Fill Our Schools with Eager Readers

Developing a schoolwide culture of reading, like any change initiative, takes commitment, leadership, collaboration, communication and consistency. Literacy leaders Laura and Evan Robb describe a model middle school that is “full of reading” and share 10 starter ideas.

6 Poetry Activities You Can Use All Year

Whether your classes dive into poetry in April or throughout the year, teacher Megan Kelly has lots of activities to enrich your students’ experience. Her latest unit has kids collaborating on visual analysis, horoscope haiku, matching teachers to their poems, and more.

When Your School’s Heart Breaks

Responding to the loss of two students in a car accident, Rita Platt is thinking about how loving school leaders can help their staff work through the darkness and step into the light of hope and compassion. She shares her letter to staff, poetry and helpful articles.