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For the term "Electrical serviceΒ to house πŸ“² πŸ™β€”πŸ πŸ˜πŸ˜β€”πŸŸπŸ‘πŸšβ€”πŸ›πŸ›πŸžπŸŸ πŸ”Œ Clinton".

What Changes Kids’ Minds about Poetry?

To guide middle grades students into paying more attention to poetry – and reconsidering their often negative attitudes about reading and writing poems – author and teacher Linda Rief suggests kids create heart books, do quickwrites and illustrate lines of their own work.

What Students Need in Civic Education Now

In Becoming Active Citizens Tom Driscoll and Shawn W. McCusker offer a compendium of the latest approaches and ideas in civic education. Their ideas equip teachers across academic disciplines with the tools to navigate this ever-changing landscape, writes Sarah Cooper.

A Fresh Look at First Aid for Teacher Burnout

While coping strategies can help those facing burnout, teaching careers are more sustainable when educators also slash workload and stress-inducers. Jenny Grant Rankin looks at the burnout pandemic and urges teachers to reduce grading and focus on planning quality lessons.

Changing School Climate: An Unexpected Recipe

Many school problems are social at their core. When teachers and counselors give students a leadership role in normalizing the problems – making them accessible and resolvable – the community culture improves for everyone, says national counseling leader Jean Peterson.

Get Ready to SOAR into the New School Year!

A new school year can be filled with excitement – and stress. 5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri suggests you SOAR into fall as you plan your structure and organization, assess your classroom, review and reset so you and your students can take flight in a welcoming environment.

Developing the “Why” for Middle Grades Math

Math students in the middle grades want the truth: “Why should math matter to me?” To show them, curriculum leader Christian Polizzi suggests making real-world connections, asking students for examples in their own lives, and having them create β€œpersonalized” math problems.