301 Search results

For the term "STEM".

How My “Assumes” Affect My Classroom

How do teachers’ assumptions about what students know impede the learning process? Michelle Russell is realizing the “obvious” is sometimes not so obvious to kids in her math classes. Her two big problem areas: basic rules of behavior and prior knowledge of operations.

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.

‘TeamMakers’ Help Kids Reach for the Stars

To develop student-centered classrooms, Laura and Evan Robb believe schools and districts must build teams to both lead and empower teachers as they adapt to new demands. The Robbs outline strategies to support the shift, from redefining roles to fostering teacher agency.

STEM Lessons Sparked by Real World Problems

Just how do you build a STEM lesson around a real-world challenge? While there’s no single answer to that question, STEM expert Anne Jolly shares a STEM lesson she and a math colleague designed around a local environmental challenge. Helpful tips and resources included!

Making: Empower Students to Shape Their Worlds

Maker-Centered Learning: Empowering Young People to Shape Their Worlds provides a well-organized and well referenced look at the role of maker-centered learning and offers a perspective that is different from that of the popular press, writes educator Laura Von Staden.

Explore Great NGSS Lessons This Summer

Teaching the “NGSS Way” is challenging, admits science specialist Kathy Renfrew, but unlike 2013 when the New Generation Science Standards were first released, teachers can now find plenty of high quality lessons and video demos to help achieve 3-D science classrooms.