75 Search results

For the term "San".

How to Ask the Right Text-Based Questions

Teaching with Text-Based Questions: Helping Students Analyze Nonfiction and Visual Texts is precisely what teachers will need to jumpstart critical thinking, high quality conversations, and tight writing, says reviewer Tess Alfonsin.

STEM: Where Are the Girls??

Girls are smart, creative, and talented – they have the right stuff for STEM careers. So where are they? It’s still a front-burner issue – the lack of women in STEM. Anne Jolly talks with several experts, including Chevron executive Blair Blackwell.

Can Technology Help with Group Reading?

Former middle grades teacher Daniel Fountenberry says his experiences struggling to organize group reading sessions among students with varied reading skills led him to develop adaptive technology that tailors the “same” book to different readers.

Confronting My Flipped Classroom Bias

History teachers can adopt flipped teaching techniques and remain true to their constructivist pedagogy, says Jody Passanisi. In her classroom, Passanisi creates videos that walk students through classroom procedures, explain tricky assignments, model writing or review test concepts — “anything procedural or to supply basic information.” The time she saves is invested in deeper study and individual help.

Maker Schools: Classroom Tinkers & Inventors

The authors of “Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom” share an exciting guest post at Anne Jolly’s STEM Imagineering blog. The tools and ethos of the maker revolution offer insight and hope for middle schools and for science and math studies, they say. “The breadth of options and the ‘can-do’ attitude is exactly what students need.”