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Broaden Close Reading Beyond the Printed Page

Classrooms that teach a broad range of close reading skills are not only rich with texts but host a wide range of types of texts, from traditional to digital to hyperlinked to hybrid, writes ELA teacher Jason DeHart. Critical student thinking needs to occur in all these spaces.

An Enhanced Edition of ‘When Kids Can’t Read’

Literacy coach Pam Hamilton finds lots to like in Kylene Beers’ latest version of When Kids Can’t Read – What Teachers Can Do. The second edition keeps some of her favorite features from the original and adds many new kid-tested ideas to help teachers reach all their students.

A Novel STEM Program Bonds a Middle School

Markham Woods Middle School in Lake Mary, FL was searching for a careers-oriented STEM program that would appeal to the “multitude of talents” among its students and help improve the climate of a divided school. Biomechatronics has achieved both objectives, says AP Eric Basilo.

This Personal Challenge Rejuvenated My Career

In a time of unprecedented teacher criticism, burnout, and flight, National Board Certification offers an opportunity for teachers to feel empowered and inspired, writes NBCT Marilyn Pryle. Best of all, the challenging, self-directed process helps good teachers become even better.

Bringing the Science of Reading into Grades 3-5

In Shifting the Balance (3-5), Cunningham, Burkins and Yates address common misunderstandings that weaken reading instruction in the intermediate grades. Fifth grade teacher Kathie Palmieri found herself impressed by and deeply immersed in the recommended shifts.

Tools to Help Students Lessen Memory Overload

With so many daily classes, the working memories of adolescents get overloaded. Their evolving brains have not yet developed fluent coping strategies. To teach students to handle all the inflow, two experts share UDL strategies that build executive function and self-regulation.

Class Libraries to Inspire and Challenge Readers

Using their own experiences with classroom libraries and ideas from other professionals, Colby Sharp and Donalyn Miller provide insight, wisdom, and actionable practices for teachers in The Commonsense Guide to Your Classroom Library. Katie Durkin highly recommends it.