126 Search results

For the term "february-anma.shop".

Teach Media Literacy with Super Bowl Ads

Many millions of people who tune in to the 2019 Super Bowl will be there to watch the pricey, high-engagement commercials. Media literacy consultant Frank Baker explains how to teach about these “super ads,” approaching them as informational text worthy of close scrutiny and analysis.

Four MTSS Strategies for the Middle Grades

An effective Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) throughout a school serves every student while it helps identify and support those with learning disabilities. To demonstrate, teacher educators Barbara Blackburn and Bradley Witzel share four instructional strategies.

Not Light, But Fire: Talking Race in Class

Reading “Not Light, But Fire” inspired Sarah Cooper to change the way she frames conversations about current events and history – which very often involve race, ethnicity, religion, politics and other incendiary topics – to build understanding, not emotion.

10 Books to Keep Us at the Top of Our Game

As a strong believer in teacher as learner, Rita Platt returns to some books again and again – books that continue to guide her work though she may have first read them 20 years ago. With the new school year underway, she shares her 10 most impactful education books.

Design Squad Global’s Super STEM Resources

STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly shares her enthusiasm for the free teaching resources available through the PBS platform Design Squad Global. Jolly highlights the engineering-oriented lessons and DSG’s new Global Clubs that involve kids in Inventing for a Sustainable Future.

Feedback That Saves Time, Improves Writing

Grading student writing in the traditional manner takes too much time and yields too little learning. Literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo offers three better ways to give students effective feedback – with all the tips and how-to teachers need to make the switch. Act now. Save your weekends.

Helping Striving Readers Become Thriving Readers

To reach the student who hasn’t made that essential positive connection with reading, you can do no better than apply the ideas detailed by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward in From Striving to Thriving. Reviewer Linda Biondi recommends having a box of tissues handy.