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Measuring What We Do in Schools

In Measuring What We Do in Schools, assessment expert Victoria Bernhardt provides a framework schools can use to evaluate and reconfigure plans for continuous school improvement. Doctoral student Scott Holcomb highly recommends the text’s clear and practical models.

How We Get Kids to Read Hard Nonfiction

Learning to read hard nonfiction is a life skill, says principal Rita Platt. It allows students to dive deep into content, enriches vocabulary, and can be a jumping-off point for developing lifelong pursuits. Platt shares strategies her school uses to spark interest.

Help Students Get the Most Out of Infographics

While infographics can be engaging, students may not access the content in a way that leads to deeper understanding. Using NASA images, literacy consultant Sunday Cummins shares four ways to help readers create pathways for sticky learning from this type of resource.

Using QR Codes as a Public Speaking Activity

Looking for more ways to have your kids “speak” to real audiences beyond your classroom? NBCT Marilyn Pryle, the 2019-20 Pennsylvania TOY, describes how she added community displays and a Vocaroo/QR code strategy to one of her major ELA projects. Student handout included!