797 Search results

For the term "Номер№1 Специалист Дизайн Человека Human Design Виктория Джем Дизайн Человека metahd.ru".

Engineering Language Arts to Excite MS Kids

In 112 pages, Elyse S. Scott shares how she engineered (designed and created) lessons to achieve the learning goals for her 8th graders. The ELA activities and projects she shares are sure to produce readers, writers, and thinkers, says reviewer Anne Anderson.

How To Become an NGSS Superhero

Vermont science coordinator Kathy Renfrew shares her vision of how middle grades teachers and coaches can be leaders in developing science classrooms that are student-driven and focused on teaching scientific subjects in ways that relate to the real world.

Connected Resources to Empower New Teachers

In “Standing in the Gap” Lisa Dabbs and Nicol R. Howard encourage all educators, especially new teachers, to find support by connecting on social media, using internet resources in class, and facilitating e-communication with parents. A must read, says educator/writer Mary Langer Thompson.

A Resource to Support RTI in Secondary Schools

William N. Bender explains how to effectively use RTI in conjunction with differentiated instruction and technology strategies in all subject areas. Reviewer Sarah Iriogbe-Efionayi joins him in anticipating RTI’s move into secondary schools and its potential to significantly change instruction there.

Are You Ready for a Genius Hour Classroom?

Genius Hour is an inquiry-driven, passion-based strategy designed to excite and engage students around the unrestrained joy of learning. Teachers Denise Krebs and Gallit Zvi make a case for the weekly time investment and share tips for getting started.

Building a Foundation with Elementary STEM

STEM learning can open up new worlds for elementary kids as it grows problem solving and teamwork skills – all the while building a foundation for the middle grades. Anne Jolly provides elementary teachers with ideas and resources to begin integrated STEM.