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Middle School Survival: “You Gotta Get to June”

School in Spring. Freedom so close you can taste the poolside popsicles. Teachers open windows for a waft of fresh air. Sunny dispositions abound. Students squirm but they learn. Except, writes teacher Laurie Lichtenstein with weary humor, this is MIDDLE school. In Spring.

Prep Your Students Now for STEM Summer Fun

The final bell of the year will soon ring, but teachers still have the opportunity to provide students with encouragement, tools, and an expectation to play, explore, and discover the world outside school. Curtis Chandler’s post overflows with STEM resources to do just that.

Want Classroom Equity? Seek and Value Diversity

Low expectations and inequitable classrooms persist in many of America’s public schools, writes Regie Routman, author of Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence and Equity for All Learners. Here’s what Routman believes educators must do to address this moral dilemma.

Engaging Math Students: Compete or Collaborate?

Math students who prefer competition do a good job of creating it for themselves, writes author-educator Jerry Burkhart. On the other hand, kids who prefer collaboration and reflection need teachers to create an environment that supports their mathematical learning.

The Back to School Faculty Meeting (a Novel Excerpt)

Novels about school are rare and often feature a lone heroic teacher defying the odds. Instead, NBCT Roxanna Elden’s fictional account of life at a struggling urban Texas school – “Adequate Yearly Progress” – is funny, often moving, and always authentic. Read Chapter 2.

Plan Now for STEM Learning Next Year

Take time now to do some preliminary thinking about next year’s STEM lessons. Gather feedback from your students before they sign out for summer, suggests STEM expert Anne Jolly, and also consider four key areas that often get short shrift during STEM curriculum planning.

Own It: Strategies to Transform Our Teaching

We ask our students to “step up” and own their work. Now it’s time for us to “step up to the challenge.” Whether you are a novice or a veteran, Alex Kajitani’s book will be your guide to continuing your passion for teaching by helping you “own it,” writes Linda Biondi.