1234 Search results

For the term "United Air 800-299-7264 Customer Service Phone Number".

The Beauty of February in the Classroom

Lauren Brown and her middle schoolers are in the sweet spot of the school year – settled after the holidays and with spring break in the distance – a perfect place to deepen learning built on established relationships and student skills developed over past months. Snow days help, too.

The Grammar Bachelor: A Team Learning Activity

For many students, grammar is mostly about memorizing rules and having teachers correct their mistakes. Author Sean Ruday’s Bachelor Grammar activity helps them see how authors use grammatical concepts purposefully to make a piece of writing as strong as possible.

Thank a Teacher – and Their Families Too!

Great educators don’t exist in a vacuum. More often than not they are supported by loved ones who also play a part in the accomplishment of a teacher’s daily miracles. Consultant Debbie Silver describes how spouses, children, and parents share in the teaching life.

What Do We Do When Kids Don’t Like Math?

When Michelle Russell began teaching, she was always surprised when students said they didn’t like math. She’s not surprised any longer. After considering some of the roadblocks to loving math, she shares the goals she’s established to help reach more of her students.

Optimize ‘Wasted Time’ on Annual Testing Days

Every year, writes teacher leader Jennifer Smith, schools “muddle through” standardized testing days trying to design schedules that take less time away from productive learning. Her 5th grade team tried a fresh approach that both engaged and energized test-weary kids.

Don’t Throw Out Your Leveled Library Yet!

Practical teachers concerned with helping kids move forward as readers know that giving them access to engaging texts at their approximate level is an important strategy, says school librarian Rita Platt. Read her arguments for avoiding an either-or approach to leveling.