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Imperfectly Brave: Help Girls Learn to Fear Less

Reshma Saujani offers insights about what it means for girls to be brave but not perfect. Teachers can pass her ideas on to their students, writes educator Bill Ivey, whether by internalizing them and sharing when needed or by actually studying Saujani’s book in class or in clubs.

Creating Classrooms That Teach the Whole Kid

Respectful, fruitful collaboration among students is not “nice” for kids to master before they make their own way in the world – it is absolutely necessary. It’s especially needed when problems arise. Dina Strasser suggests co-creating norms that serve the whole child.

To Learn about Respect, 4T Kids Pay It Forward

“My learners are young and impressionable,” writes grade 4 teacher Mary Tarashuk. “Teaching them true respect, for themselves and for others, just might get us on the path to improving some bigger problems we see around us.” Learn how Room 4T’s Pay It Forward project supports that goal.

Dr. Borba’s Blueprint for Bullying Prevention

No single practice stops cruelty, but a combination of proven strategies used by committed staff trained in anti-bullying will maximize impact. Michele Borba outlines six rules that can help defeat the culture of bullying and replace it with the power of character.

3 Meaningful Ways to Boost Your Word Study

When it comes to learning new words, a few minutes goes a long way, says author-consultant Pam Koutrakos. Teachers can jump-start word study at any point in the year. Use her “cycle” strategy to fit vocab into the daily lesson flow and build students’ curiosity about words.

How Principals Can Allay Resistance to Change

School leaders have likely dealt with someone who didn’t support a proposed change. But principals need to assure that schools provide students with quality education, a process often requiring change. Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn show how to build support.