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Getting Test Ready? Try Some Retrieval Practice

Memory research leads us to an important insight: not only do we have to help students store information, they also need to be able to retrieve it. Expert Marilee Sprenger shares 13 rehearsal and retrieval practices to make learning stick. Re-reading isn’t one of them.

How We Can Fix Faulty Background Knowledge

Good teachers ‘stir the pot’ to activate student background knowledge before a new lesson. But what if student understandings are flawed? Teacher educator Curtis Chandler has research-based tips to help detect and fix the faults. Plus some tech tools that can add fun to the process.

A Caring Principal’s Tips for Lawnmower Parents

Lawnmower parents have an irresistible urge to clear away all the stress and struggle for their children. The result, says principal and NBCT Rita Platt, can be kids who don’t learn to mow their own paths. Read her tips for parents, educators, and the kiddos themselves.

Introspective Questions to Amplify Your Leadership

Veteran principal and multi-book author Baruti Kafele takes school leaders on a self-reflective journey to answer his title question by exploring 35 focused and intentional guiding questions. Education leadership professor Frank J. Hagen recommends taking the trip.

Game Changer! Assuring Book Access for All Kids

Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp make the case for dedicated independent reading time and choice in books for all students in all schools – and they push back hard against narrow reading spectrums and the misuse of book leveling, writes 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.

Needed: 4 Radical Shifts in How We Teach Kids

2018 was a bonanza year for STEM, and 2019 holds even more promise. But we face some big challenges to get STEM education where it can fully deliver on its potential. Anne Jolly outlines four areas to radically improve STEM and instruction generally in today’s schools.

Teach Media Literacy with Super Bowl Ads

Many millions of people who tune in to the 2019 Super Bowl will be there to watch the pricey, high-engagement commercials. Media literacy consultant Frank Baker explains how to teach about these “super ads,” approaching them as informational text worthy of close scrutiny and analysis.