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Back in My Classroom, Jamming with Jamboard

When Kathie Palmieri came back to her physical but socially distanced classroom, collaboration was one of her biggest concerns. Drawing on her ‘emergency’ teaching experiences and her new confidence about ed tech, she searched out Google Jamboard “and felt a sense of relief.”

Exploring the Human Impact of Climate Change

Examining the human impact of climate change through texts allows students to connect climate science to the human cost of climate change, develop empathy for communities impacted by climate change, and discover more about climate justice, writes ELA teacher Kasey Short.

Teacher Self-Care in a Time of Trauma

“Supporting the Wounded Educator” is an insightful and helpful book much needed right now, says teacher educator Linda Biondi. It guides teachers to focus on what they can do to lessen trauma for themselves and their community through wellness and self-care initiatives.

The Day After: How Do We Teach Now?

Here’s how Sarah Cooper taught her 8th grade social studies class today, as the nation went about determining a presidential winner. Unlike the day after the 2016 election, “I’m feeling not so much shock as the need to shore up my teaching and once again dig into difficult topics.”

Visualizing History Using Timeline Tools

In social studies we want students to visualize the relationships between historical events and be able to think chronologically. Megan Kelly has 6th graders begin with personal timelines. Other teaching tools include videos, a history card game, memes and manipulatives.

Writing Workshop Ideas for the Middle Grades

Writing workshop can be an exciting part of the day for students in the middle, writes author and workshop expert Lynne Dorfman. Even when middle level schedules aren’t a great fit for extended workshop writing, teachers can nurture “writerly” attitudes with daily quickwrites.