1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Selecting Digital Tools for Literacy Coaching

Many books focus on effective literacy coaching, and others are specific to technology integration in education. Stephanie Affinito’s Literacy Coaching: Transforming Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools and Technology fills a gap by merging the two, writes Shannon Russell.

Quick Tips for New T’s – Managing Your Time

If you are a beginning teacher, wondering about time, survival guide author Julia Thompson has created a collection of quick tips that can help you maximize every minute at school, minimize the time you spend working at home, and keep from sabotaging your own strategies.

How Laughter Can Lead to Better Learning

What if students could find a way to overcome their fear of speaking, learn storytelling, and become more confident public speakers? Teaching these skills to middle graders using stand up comedy can lay the groundwork for greater success, writes actor-educator Kevin Flynn.

The Back to School Faculty Meeting (a Novel Excerpt)

Novels about school are rare and often feature a lone heroic teacher defying the odds. Instead, NBCT Roxanna Elden’s fictional account of life at a struggling urban Texas school – “Adequate Yearly Progress” – is funny, often moving, and always authentic. Read Chapter 2.

Imperfectly Brave: Help Girls Learn to Fear Less

Reshma Saujani offers insights about what it means for girls to be brave but not perfect. Teachers can pass her ideas on to their students, writes educator Bill Ivey, whether by internalizing them and sharing when needed or by actually studying Saujani’s book in class or in clubs.

The Human Side of Changing Education

Julie M. Wilson explains how to lead educators through change and also looks at how leaders can sustain their effort by taking her readers on a leadership version of The Hero’s Journey. Principal Michael Whisler particularly liked her Strengths-based Conversation script.