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How to Help Young Writers Find the Force

Teachers should be Jedi Masters, called to be believers in our students and promoters of their ability to take charge of their own learning. ELA teacher and author Vicki Kahlenberg shares four writing strategies that foster autonomy through emulation and publication.

A 5-Tray Filing System Every Teacher Needs

Now that the blizzard of late semester papers has (probably) diminished, do you feel the need for a quick fix to your class organization regimen? Author/educator Roxanna Elden avoids excessive precision in structuring a practical 5-tray process to get you started.

BRAVO Principals Lead Through Relationships

BRAVO Principal, with its reflection questions and support exercises, is an effective resource for keeping school leaders centered on what matters most to promote the success of each of our students in our learning organizations, writes MS principal Dennis Schug.

How Big Media Shapes the News Students See

As news organizations are increasingly folded into fewer and fewer media conglomerates, writes media literacy expert Frank Baker, their independence is left in doubt. He urges teachers to involve students in studies of “Big Media” as part of their civic education.

Limited Funding Doesn’t Have to Limit You

No school or district is immune from a future defined by declining resources. Leadership consultants Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share four research-based strategies to help educators make the most of a challenging financial climate and serve all kids.

Here Come the Toy Ads

Toy commercials, so pervasive on TV during the holidays, are a great way to jump-start media literacy discussions with students. Expert Frank Baker has lesson ideas.