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For the term "printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ www.datebest.xyz 🪀❤️ BEST DATING SITE️ 🪀❤️️ printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ printable logic puzzles for adults 🪀❤️️ 🪀❤️️ www.datebest.xyz 🪀❤️ BEST DATING SITE️ 🪀❤️️ ".

Where to Find Kids’ LGBTQAI+ Books

Beyond sharing titles, librarians Christina Dorr and Liz Deskins discuss justifications for circulating LGBTQAI+ literature to children and teens and share a brief history and approaches to “dealing with objections.” Sarah Cooper found ideas for her own classroom library.

7 Time-Saving Ways to Balance Teaching Tasks

Is it ever possible to do everything needed to be a consistently effective teacher? Look over Barbara Blackburn’s strategies to develop circumstances where you can thrive: avoid perfectionism, try incremental change, peruse helpful time management resources, and more.

ADHD Challenges: Focus on Strengths & Potential

Educator Joanne Bell was attracted to The ADHD Empowerment Guide because the authors focus on students’ strengths and potential – not just problems and comorbidities. The resource-filled book details how an analysis of strengths can be used to help kids facing ADHD challenges.

Explore Great NGSS Lessons This Summer

Teaching the “NGSS Way” is challenging, admits science specialist Kathy Renfrew, but unlike 2013 when the New Generation Science Standards were first released, teachers can now find plenty of high quality lessons and video demos to help achieve 3-D science classrooms.

Stay Sharp This Summer with Free PD Resources

As much as we love teaching, summer break presents valuable time and opportunity to reflect and rejuvenate – and also retool and sharpen our skills through self-directed professional learning. To help, Curtis Chandler presents an awesome collection of free PD options.

Middle Schoolers Thrive on Place-Based Learning

The ideas behind place-based education are being discussed in more schools and communities, as years of test-driven instruction have many looking for better ways to learn. Fieldwork coordinator Sarah K. Anderson shares the inspiring program at public Cottonwood School.

How Many? Expand Kids’ Thinking about Math

Christopher Danielson takes kids, tweens and teens on a journey of exploration as they think about and interact with math in new ways. Based in his research and teaching, How Many? helps students see far beyond simple responses and think creatively, writes Linda Biondi.