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Writing: How We Can Achieve a State of Flow

Writing flow, says author and principal Matt Renwick, is achieved through the habits one builds by regularly participating in the experience. He offers suggestions on how teacher and student writers can establish writing rhythms and find flow in their craft.

Combine Maker Activities and STEM Lessons

Hands-on teaching has always involved kids in “making.” But today’s focus on maker spaces is pushing making to a whole new level, nurturing students’ curiosity and creativity. Anne Jolly shows how combining maker activities and STEM lessons can boost learning.

3 Ways to Encourage Ownership of Learning

Ultimately, teachers have the final say in the classroom. But when they share some ownership with students, they create a true community of learners and reap benefits for themselves. Expert Barbara Blackburn shares three ideas about building student ownership.

Graphic Organizers For Common Core ELA

With its comprehensive collection of CCSS-ELA graphic organizers, The Visual Edge provides a very visible way for students in grades 6-12 to approach Common Core-related standards. Teacher-reviewer Joyce Depenbusch has numerous suggestions for the next edition.

Turn Writers Workshop Into a Maker Space

Angela Stockman’s attitude of respect and awe for students flows from the pages of “Make Writing” and inspires teachers to think differently about their approach to writing instruction. Amber Chandler recommends this easy-to-follow, forward thinking “making” guide.