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For the term "cheap airline tickets from south africa to tokyo japan phone number 1-800-299-7264".

Advanced Strategies Can Help Kids Become Wild Readers

Donalyn Miller’s Reading in the Wild is a great workshop-focused resource for any ELA teacher who wants to cultivate lifelong reading habits and is “looking for a viable alternative to traditional instruction,” says teacher-reviewer Tyler McBride.

Crafting Digital Writing

Reviewer and middle grades teacher Judi Holst strongly recommends Troy Hicks’ Crafting Digital Writing to any teacher who uses writing in their classroom and is ready to more deeply engage today’s digital-savvy students. It’s easy to read and full of ideas, she says.

A Good Introduction to Singapore Math

For teachers who have not used Singapore math strategies before but want to give them a go, Jana Hazecamp’s book Why Before How is a great place to start, says former 4th grade math teacher Jennifer Underwood, who adds some tech ideas of her own.