190 Search results

For the term "visual literacy".

Using Mood and Imagery to Engage Kids with Text

Whether they are fiction or nonfiction, the best stories are told through mood as we react to events, people and emotions. For students, identifying, tracking and exploring moods in stories and images is an easy way to enter into text. Teacher Trevor Bryan shares his approach.

How a Tiny Spark Can Ignite Student Writing

K-6 literacy coach and NBCT Paula Bourque brings an extra spark to quick-write activities, expanding the concept to include brief low-pressure assignments designed to ignite passion, creativity, and awareness in students and encourage them to become lifelong writers.

Pair Just-right Texts and Reading Strategies

Every teacher who works with students as readers should read Jennifer Serravallo’s new book, Understanding Texts & Readers, writes NCBT and principal Rita Platt, noting it brings big-picture reading goals, skills, strategies and texts together in a meaningful hierarchy.

Well-Designed ‘Do Nows’ Set the Pace for Learning

Ask teachers for some Do Now synonyms and they’ll come up with terms like Warm-up, Quick Review, and First Steps. Teaching coach Sarah Tantillo’s favorite is Brain Defibrillator. When done right and used routinely, she says, Do Nows establish a norm of urgency in your class.

Teaching Climate Change in the Middle Grades

Facilitating science-based research around real world problems empowers students through the skills they acquire and the subject knowledge they gain, says teacher Angela Duke. And what better topic than climate change? “The environment of the future will be theirs to live in.”

Debunking Myths About How the Brain Learns

Neuromyths serves as an important reference for teachers who want to sort through competing claims before jumping on the brain-based bandwagon, writes teacher Mary K. Marsh. The book provokes teachers into questioning what really makes an approach neurologically based.

The Essentials of Visual Learning and Teaching

Learning to decode visuals and graphics is an essential skill for everyone, but most especially for visual-spatial learners, which includes most ADHD students. Susan Daniels’ book provides essential explanations and many teaching resources for K-8, says educator Joanne Bell.

3 Ways to Help Students Analyze Visual Texts

Kids love visual texts such as art and photographs, but as with written texts, they often don’t know where to begin when asked to look at the works critically. Author and NBCT Marilyn Pryle finds that if given specific doorways, her students have much richer discussions.

Blending Grammar into Daily ELA Instruction

One of the most common concerns Sarah Tantillo hears from ELA teachers is “I want to teach grammar, but I’m not sure how to fit it in.” Her new MiddleWeb post explains a systematic approach that blends grammar into narrative reading and writing classes, day by day.