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For the term "Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 Flight Changes Support Number".

Tapping the Power of Daily Student Writing

Write Think Learn is an easy read for busy educators, challenges teachers and students to examine their attitudes about writing, gives readers a purpose and a desire to write, and will be a go-to reference throughout the school year, says teacher educator Linda Biondi.

Overcoming Myths about “Being Good at Math”

Imagine the long-term benefits if teachers, schools, and educator prep programs address the issue of mathematical confidence in a systematic and vigorous way. Jerry Burkhart looks at causes of low “math self-esteem” among kids and teachers and outlines potential cures.

Needed: 4 Radical Shifts in How We Teach Kids

2018 was a bonanza year for STEM, and 2019 holds even more promise. But we face some big challenges to get STEM education where it can fully deliver on its potential. Anne Jolly outlines four areas to radically improve STEM and instruction generally in today’s schools.

Start the Lesson Strong with Pre-Assessments

Prior to teaching your lessons, it’s important to gauge where students are in their knowledge of the topic. Instructional expert Barbara Blackburn suggests trying student-friendly strategies for pre-assessment – quick teacher-directed options or focused formal pre-tests.

Principals Should Be the School Optimist-in-Chief

Optimism is alive and well in many schools. It’s not dependent on school demographics or staff longevity, say Jack Breckemeyer and Debbie Silver. It flows from a leader’s ability to demonstrate optimism in action, to inspire others to join in, and to teach them how.

10 Essential Shifts of Teaching Practice

Future-Focused Learning will drive you to think deeply about your instructional practices and consider what you need to change. Alex Valencic likes the book’s focus on what students both need and want to learn and finds it solidly on-target if occasionally frustrating.

Well-Designed ‘Do Nows’ Set the Pace for Learning

Ask teachers for some Do Now synonyms and they’ll come up with terms like Warm-up, Quick Review, and First Steps. Teaching coach Sarah Tantillo’s favorite is Brain Defibrillator. When done right and used routinely, she says, Do Nows establish a norm of urgency in your class.

Teaching Climate Change in the Middle Grades

Facilitating science-based research around real world problems empowers students through the skills they acquire and the subject knowledge they gain, says teacher Angela Duke. And what better topic than climate change? “The environment of the future will be theirs to live in.”