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Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work

Jordan Walker-Reyes recommends Lori Wilfong’s Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work to all literacy coaches and facilitators, ESL teachers, and content area teachers who want to grow students’ content area knowledge while also increasing their literacy skills.

Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms

Gifted students are often the forgotten portion of the special education spectrum. To remedy the problem, gifted and special educator Laura Von Staden highly recommends this book full of valuable information and insight, written in a concise, user-friendly format.

Classroom Podcasting for the Middle Grades

Podcasting is exploding, and teachers are discovering that listening to and producing podcasts are great ways to promote deeper learning. Former NPR reporter Monica Brady-Myerov shares the whys and hows of engaging kids in their own projects, with examples and resources.

Using Arts Integration to Spark Engagement

Finding techniques to engage students in the learning process is critical for school success. Engaging Creative Minds, a city-based non-profit, facilitates teamwork among artists, scientists and teachers to create lessons that target challenging academics in lively ways.

Building Confidence in Students with ADHD

In his years working with students with learning and attention challenges, Ezra Werb has seen how anxiety relief and confidence building can be crucial success factors. He shows here how including students’ interests and alleviating reading and writing stressors can help.

Public Relations 101: Messaging that Works

What would you like for your students, families, faculty and stakeholders to know about your school? How can you be sure your messaging reaches audiences quickly and effectively? Three experienced leaders share basic tools like “smart goals” to keep your public relations plans on course.

Six Quick Tips for Effective Class Norms

It’s not enough to set classroom norms and post them on the wall, says author and instructional coach Geoff Krall. We have to teach them and live by them. Here are some of his strategies for teaching and reflecting on norms in ways that really support student learning.