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For the term "Austinburg City phone number 1-800-792-3367 Electrical service".

Make This the Year You Launch Genius Hour

For teachers who have considered implementing a Genius Hour program but haven’t quite made it to launch, passion-based learning experts and #geniushour chat leaders Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs have organized a wealth of tips and resources to get you started.

How to Debug a STEM Lesson Plan

Expert Anne Jolly suggests a running assessment of your STEM lessons as the new school year begins to make sure your students are engaged, working well in teams, and involved in engineering solutions to meaningful problems. Try her Lesson Plan Debugger!

This Year, Control Your Day the Easy Way

Make no mistake says productivity expert Frank Buck, how well we bring our vision for the school year to fruition rests upon the things we do on a daily basis. Getting organized by going digital is the overwhelmed educator’s best hope. Buck recommends Toodledo.

Graphic Organizers For Common Core ELA

With its comprehensive collection of CCSS-ELA graphic organizers, The Visual Edge provides a very visible way for students in grades 6-12 to approach Common Core-related standards. Teacher-reviewer Joyce Depenbusch has numerous suggestions for the next edition.

6 Ways Teachers Can Stay Inspired This Year

Taking care of ourselves means finding time to rest, getting enough exercise, and having balance in our lives. It also means being inspired about who we are and what we do. Barbara Blackburn shares six ways she has incorporated inspiration into her teaching life.

A Possible Introductory Ed Leadership Text

Karen L. Sanzo’s book offers ideas for changing the paradigm of leadership development through the use of practical and useful tools that are not difficult to implement. Also see how others are implementing leadership programs, says reviewer Margaret Jones-Carey.