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7 Brain-Based Ways to Make Learning Stick

When it comes to student learning, we usually think about how to get information into memory, says expert Marilee Sprenger. But we also have to get the information out. Be sure to use these 7 brain-based steps to strengthen connections and make memories permanent.

Research Is a Core Skill in Our Info-Packed World

In an age of fake news and the dismissal of science, teaching students to conduct research provides them with a critical skill. In “It’s a Matter of Fact,” teacher librarian Angie Miller shows how students across content areas can focus on a thesis and master resources.

Fun Student Activities for the Testing Season

During the barrage of mandatory assessments each spring, it can be tempting to “decide to do very little with our students” between tests, says Curtis Chandler. But why not make every minute count? Teachers can do just that with these engaging cross-curricular activities.

8 Essay-Free Ways to Share Student Research

Research-based essays help our students fluently build, develop, and expand on their ideas. But in the real world, not every research process ends in a full-blown essay, says Angie Miller, who shares eight fun ways for students to practice and incorporate research skills.