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How Concept Maps Help Deepen Learning

Concept mapping is one of those underutilized but potentially powerful tools than can deepen learning and teaching significantly. In his new MiddleWeb blog, Class Apps, teacher educator Curtis Chandler shares three online mapping tools to get students started.

Building a Common Core-Based Curriculum

Susan Udelhofen’s discussion of mapping is very useful for identifying the process of curriculum building, with each step outlined in sufficient detail to provide clear and explicit direction. Kathy Foster recommends it to any district developing its curriculum.

Use PBL to Role-Play in the Real World

We always hear about the “real world” vs. the world in school. Project Based Learning helps to break down that barrier and better merges the two. It’s also undeniably engaging and lures kids into rigorous learning, as in Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s “Invention Unit.”

What We Risk When We Jump to Conclusions

Troublemakers. Forgetters. The Clingers. The Confused. Barbara Blackburn looks at how we often jump to conclusions and miss chances to build trust, explore the needs behind the behaviors, and help students grow. Once we jump, she warns, it’s hard to jump back.

Four Summer Strategies for School Leaders

Summer offers a rare opportunity for principals to devote ample time to their own professional learning, say Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn. The leadership consultants offer four summer strategies to help assure continuous growth as an effective leader.

Have a Summer of Fun Reading & Writing with Kids

Mike Fisher, a middle grades teacher turned literacy and tech integration consultant, suggests ways parents can involve their kids in reading and writing throughout the summer months, on their own and with family members. At his house, it’s Harry Potter time!

Why Becoming an NBCT May Be Right for You

NBCT Amber Chandler looks at three factors that might be holding teachers back from pursuing National Board Certification – finding time, covering the cost, or “already being a good teacher” – and offers her reasons why you should move beyond all three obstacles.