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Eliminating Aggressive Behavior in Your School

Combining anecdotes, research and common sense, school psychologist Ben Springer walks you through what doesn’t work and what you can try instead when you encounter aggressive behavior in students. Alex Valencic recommends reading about the author’s happy kid formula now.

Tools to Boost Students’ Math Communication

Retired teacher and principal and now math tutor Beth Ferguson wants to develop students’ ability not just to manipulate numbers but communicate their math understanding. She has found both research and plenty of tools in Teaching Students to Communicate Mathematically.

Teaching Poetry for Social Justice

If every elementary, English and history teacher did even one of the book’s activities each year, our understanding of our students would deepen immeasurably, as would their appreciation of their families and their communities, both local and global, writes Sarah Cooper.

Put Some Bang at the Beginning of Lessons

How we start lessons makes a huge difference in learning during the remainder of our class instruction time. Teaching consultant and author Barbara Blackburn shares strategies to employ three keys to beginning lessons with a bang: focus, activation, and excitement.

Rethinking Guided Reading to Advantage ALL Our Learners

Most guided reading programs emphasize daily ability grouping with too little emphasis on developing self-directed readers who love to read for pleasure or enrichment, says literacy leader Regie Routman, who points out equity issues revealed in recent research.

10 Books to Keep Us at the Top of Our Game

As a strong believer in teacher as learner, Rita Platt returns to some books again and again – books that continue to guide her work though she may have first read them 20 years ago. With the new school year underway, she shares her 10 most impactful education books.