1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

Bag Ladies’ Best Ideas for Hands-On Learning

Photos, zipper baggie quilts, stick puppets, story time capsules and more – all add to the learning in Simmons and Guinn’s collection of hands-on activities for kids in K-5. Educator Elizabeth OBrien says activities can be easily adapted from one subject area to another.

Executive Function Is Key to Student Achievement

Executive function is the missing link to student achievement, author Nancy Sulla says. If students don’t develop the brain-based skills to focus, catch and correct errors, and identify cause-and-effect relationships, they can’t make sense of even the best lessons.

How to Get YA Authors Into Your Classrooms

Middle grade students crave role models and great stories. Author visits provide both in a very tangible way. Learn how media specialist & NBCT Christina Dorr arranges a steady stream of tween and young adult novelists through her school and read 10 tips for doing it yourself!

An Outstanding Resource for Teaching Gifted Kids

Whether you teach in a gifted education classroom or have gifted students in your general classroom, you will find Teaching Gifted Children a thorough treatment of established practice and current trends in working with high-ability learners, says educator Linda Biondi.

No More Fake Reading: Create Joyful Readers

Berit Gordon offers a step-by-step plan for playing catch up with students who are not regular readers and therefore do not have the reading skills or the knowledge base to feel anything but overwhelmed and bored by classic literature, says classics teacher Kelley Pujol.

Shared Reading Needs to Have a Clear Purpose

Shared reading has the potential to be a useful vehicle for learning IF it’s implemented effectively. Literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo looks at the benefits and drawbacks of investing time in two students reading together and suggests strategies to increase retention and communication skills.