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Plan Now for STEM Learning Next Year

Take time now to do some preliminary thinking about next year’s STEM lessons. Gather feedback from your students before they sign out for summer, suggests STEM expert Anne Jolly, and also consider four key areas that often get short shrift during STEM curriculum planning.

Homework Policies That Support Diverse Needs

How many minutes? In which grades? What really works? How can family be engaged? These and lots more questions are answered in Cathy Vatterott’s book Rethinking Homework. Educator Brian Taylor says it’s a must for educators who want to bring sanity to homework policies.

Own It: Strategies to Transform Our Teaching

We ask our students to “step up” and own their work. Now it’s time for us to “step up to the challenge.” Whether you are a novice or a veteran, Alex Kajitani’s book will be your guide to continuing your passion for teaching by helping you “own it,” writes Linda Biondi.

An RTI Approach for Nurturing Life Skills

Chris Weber’s useful book, Behavior: The Forgotten Curriculum, An RTI Approach for Nurturing Essential Life Skills, seeks to help schools implement MTSS for behavior in a systematic, practical way, with or without formal adoption of PBIS, writes principal Rita Platt.

5 Surefire Ways to Get Students to Talk in Class

Giving students tools to slice into a text and formulate specific thoughts backed with evidence has transformed NBCT Marilyn Pryle’s classroom discussions. “Instead of tentative guesses from a few, we now have detailed conversations that draw the whole class in.”