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Task Card Series Can Boost Reading Skills

K-8 literacy coach Amber Bartlein reports The 100 Task Card series is set to become a staple in the classrooms she works with, for use during small group instruction, intervention and enrichment time, or to provide quick, focused practice on a specific literacy skill.

Small Shifts Can Impact Learning in Big Ways

Laura Von Staden says Joy Kirr’s “Shift This!” is a must read for all teachers, full of actionable strategies, the research and reasons to implement them, and the steps and support to transform your teaching to reach every student with the maximum impact possible.

How to Teach Grammar in the Digital Age

From Texting to Teaching: Grammar Instruction in a Digital Age by Hyler and Hicks led teacher Desiree Tabor Carter to think about technology tools strategically and inspired her to overhaul her website, adding a grammar and vocabulary page to each course section.

25 Quick and Effective Formative Assessments

What really stands out in the second edition of 25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom is the attention authors Dodge and Duarte pay to meshing tried and true formative assessments with engaging digital formats, says teacher-librarian Rita Platt.