1222 Search results

For the term "Spirit 1 800-299-7264 Customer Contact Center Phone Number".

How to Create a PBL, Performance-Driven School

“Transforming Schools” presents a proven school model built on project based learning and performance assessment, with advice from three leaders of Envision Schools on how to reinvent systems, reshape school culture, and navigate the inevitable challenges.

Guiding Student Passion, Wonder & Inquiry

The Genius Hour Guidebook by Denise Krebs & Gallit Zvi provides a practical guide for teachers who want to encourage students to pursue their passionate interests and expand their 21st century skill set. Reviewer Laura Von Staden also recommends the companion website.

Staying Focused When Lesson Plans Fall Apart

Middle school is SO spontaneous. How can teachers ensure opportunities to help students think critically, collaborate, and engage in the scholarly discourse we put in the lesson plan? Libby Woodfin shares 3 “ABCs of deeper instruction” that can help. Videos too!

Make This the Year You Launch Genius Hour

For teachers who have considered implementing a Genius Hour program but haven’t quite made it to launch, passion-based learning experts and #geniushour chat leaders Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs have organized a wealth of tips and resources to get you started.

This Year, Control Your Day the Easy Way

Make no mistake says productivity expert Frank Buck, how well we bring our vision for the school year to fruition rests upon the things we do on a daily basis. Getting organized by going digital is the overwhelmed educator’s best hope. Buck recommends Toodledo.