Teaching and learning in grades 4-8
If you are considering attending a virtual education conference or have an opportunity to present virtually in 2021, do it! MS teacher and conference veteran Kasey Short shares tips for session selection, virtual connecting, avoiding screen overload, notetaking, and more.
In Unconventional Leadership, Minnesota principal Jessica M. Cabeen offers principals extensive resources to move beyond the office and become more connected, collaborative, and creative leaders, writes social studies teacher and school PD director Becky Johnson.
Similar to reading, listening to what we hear during an interview requires comprehension and the active construction of meaning. Elizabeth Hagan, Lisa Friesen and Sunday Cummins share action research on ways to prepare students to conduct interviews they’ll enjoy and learn from.
Since EL specialist Tan Huynh can’t be in every co-teaching class every day to co-instruct with content teachers, he has developed strategies to guide learning from afar across grade levels and disciplines. Discover his BATS: boxes, acronyms, templates, and structures.
Reflecting on their work gives students an opportunity to look back at what they have done, examine the processes and strategies they used, and think about the importance of their effort and growth. Literacy coach Lynne Dorfman explores ways to cultivate metacognition.
To get her 4th graders off their remote screens for a good old-fashioned, hands-on collage project to strengthen fine-motor skills, Mary Tarashuk asked them to create image-filled books exploring Room 4T’s central Social Studies question this year: “Who Is America?”
Todd Whitaker has the experience, research, data, anecdotes, and feedback from teachers and administrators to help readers see what “great teachers do differently.” He reminds us of the eternal importance of educators and the impact we make, writes Linda Biondi.
AP Chris Edwards and the staff of Kreps Middle School have been busy working to keep school spirit alive during fall and winter remote learning. Chris shares the school’s videotaped Challenges featuring staff and students dancing, singing, exercising, and more.
Active listening can take any virtual, hybrid or regular class into humanizing spaces that may motivate more students to join the learning process, writes coach and NBCT Elizabeth Stein. And if you’re co-teaching, the active listening process is easy to model!
Students have all too real tech issues interfering with online participation. But Dina Strasser’s pandemic experience tells her other kids’ black squares in Zoom signal disengagement. Here are 5 ways she’s keeping them tuned in with virtual class management strategies.