1178 Search results

For the term "Best Agility Writer Review by Reyman Cruz".

How to Teach Grammar in the Digital Age

From Texting to Teaching: Grammar Instruction in a Digital Age by Hyler and Hicks led teacher Desiree Tabor Carter to think about technology tools strategically and inspired her to overhaul her website, adding a grammar and vocabulary page to each course section.

Helping Students Buy Into High Expectations

Jon Sapier’s High Expectations Teaching provides an overview of best practices for encouraging a growth mindset and includes scripts, links to videos, and checklists that teachers can use immediately. Educator Amy Williams finds the short book a good introduction.

Ways to Become a More Authentic Writing Teacher

In Renew! Become a Better—and More Authentic—Writing Teacher, Shawna Coppola challenges us to reconsider three long-standing traditions of classroom writing instruction: a step-by-step writing process, graphic organizers, and the prioritization of words over images.

50 Dynamic Writing Activities for All Kids

Marilyn Pryle’s 50 Writing Activities for Meeting Higher Standards provides educators across content areas with opportunities to teach writing in a logical, fun, and research-based way. The fully developed lessons take Writers Workshop to the next level, says Linda Biondi.

Using Fiction to Launch Our 4th Grade Science

Mary Tarashuk is counting on Peter Brown’s fiction picture books to enliven her 4th graders’ adaptation to their new classroom and their first science unit on animal and plant adaptation. The Global Read Aloud, featuring Brown’s Roz the Wild Robot, is in the wings.

How We Become Skillful Math Teachers

Tracy Zager’s professor told students it would take five years to become a skillful math teacher. In this message to beginning educators, Zager shares insights that can help push the process. Most important: “Become addicted to listening to students’ mathematical ideas.”

Strategies to Energize School Staff and Culture

School Culture Recharged is a good mix of philosophy, research, and practical strategy. Rita Platt recommends that “school and district leaders read it to get a handle on the what’s, how’s, and why’s of developing school cultures that help bring about success for all.”

Teach Workshop Writing with K-6 Mentor Texts

In the 2nd edition of Mentor Texts, Lynne Dorfman and Rose Cappelli help put a gradual-release focus on purposeful planning, finding stories to engage young readers, and using the book’s readings to support strong writing by students, says Erin Corrigan-Smith.