1113 Search results

For the term "Champaign City phone number 1-614-647-0039 Electrical service installations".

Idea Starters for the Genius Hour Classroom

Genius Hour gives students the opportunity to be autonomous in their learning. Sometimes, though, they need a little start-up help. Experts Gallit Zvi and Denise Krebs share lots of starter ideas for students and classrooms and urge readers to add their own.

How Feedback Can Be More Kid-Friendly

Rubrics are important tools, says author and veteran MS educator Elyse Scott, but teachers need a more whole-student approach to formative assessment and feedback — one that attends “to that most basic need of young adolescents: one-on-one communication.”

Triptiks Can Rev Up Student-Driven Learning

Remember AAA’s Triptiks – the travel resource kits put together for members? If so, you have some inkling of consultant Mike Fisher’s idea to rev up mid-grades curriculum across content areas by having students create their own project-specific learning journeys.

Mastering Your To-Do List: The Magnificent 7

Frank Buck is back with Part Two in his series for school leaders on developing a digital productivity suite. Keeping up with plans on a digital calendar or a smartphone Notes app is frustrating. Buck outlines what a full featured task app needs to do and suggests a free option.

How to Become an Inspirational Teacher

Gary McGuey and Lonnie Moore augment their concisely presented steps to becoming an inspirational teacher with reflection prompts, questionnaires, and vignettes. Somewhat to her surprise, veteran educator Nancy Chodoroff found herself nodding in agreement throughout the book.

Will ESSA & STEM Make a Happy Marriage?

STEM expert Anne Jolly takes a close look at the many well-funded STEM components found in ESSA, the new federal education act, and urges educators to remain true to the project learning and engineering elements that characterize authentic STEM curriculum.

How to Become an Organized School Leader

Annual resolutions to “get organized” usually fade quickly, despite ready access to smart devices and clever management apps. What we need, writes organizing expert Frank Buck, is some good advice. He begins his 5-part series with the digital calendar.