1298 Search results

For the term "Delta Airlines 800-299-7264 Flight Changes Support Number".

Teacher Think Alouds Work in Every Subject

Teacher think alouds are great for grades 4-8, says author Molly Ness. “The goal is to provide less savvy readers with a play-by-play of what you – as a skilled reader – think while reading.” The secret is planning. They may sound spontaneous but must be choreographed.

Get to Summer Break Without Burning Out

You’re entering the final stretch of teaching your 2017-18 students. The school year is more than halfway through, winter vacation breaks are over, and you might be feeling a tinge of burnout. Jenny Grant Rankin shares strategies to help you thrive before summer arrives.

Why We Need to Entice Hard-to-Reach Writers

In Enticing Hard-To-Reach Writers, Ruth Ayres offers wide ranging ideas and resources to help all students become writers because “when writers believe their words matter, nothing can stop them.” We begin, reviewer Mary Langer Thompson notes, by getting our hearts right.

Use Messaging to Build Positive School Culture

Messaging Matters provides practical notions and step-by-step models to strengthen communication and build a positive culture with your students, parents, and community. And you can implement them almost immediately, writes school counselor Wendy Adams.

The Beauty of February in the Classroom

Lauren Brown and her middle schoolers are in the sweet spot of the school year – settled after the holidays and with spring break in the distance – a perfect place to deepen learning built on established relationships and student skills developed over past months. Snow days help, too.