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Responding to Bullying and Cyberbullying

National Bullying Prevention Month begins October 1. Throughout the year MiddleWeb’s collection of anti-bullying resources from educators, nonprofits and agencies can help teachers and schools respond to bullying and cyberbullying, both of which peak in middle school.

Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Tangles

As the girls (and other kids) in your classes navigate the complicated, often contradictory messages our society sends as they grow from children into independent adults, they will appreciate the kinds of support “Untangled” will enable you to offer, says Bill Ivey.

Infusing Pop Culture into Literacy Learning

In Making Curriculum Pop, Pam Goble and Ryan Goble have done exactly what harried teachers need most: provided a raft of templates for student work as well as grounded the notions of textual exploration in proven research and thoughtful theory, says Kevin Hodgson.

2 Lessons Worth Sharing about Teacher Coaching

Done right, teacher coaching “can create bridges between varied experiences and classroom contexts, so that teaching knowledge flows in many directions, and teaching becomes a less isolated, more connected profession.” Ariel Sacks shares two lessons she learned early on.

How to Teach Grammar in the Digital Age

From Texting to Teaching: Grammar Instruction in a Digital Age by Hyler and Hicks led teacher Desiree Tabor Carter to think about technology tools strategically and inspired her to overhaul her website, adding a grammar and vocabulary page to each course section.

Ways to Become a More Authentic Writing Teacher

In Renew! Become a Better—and More Authentic—Writing Teacher, Shawna Coppola challenges us to reconsider three long-standing traditions of classroom writing instruction: a step-by-step writing process, graphic organizers, and the prioritization of words over images.