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Maximize the Power of the Middle School Brain

Middle school behavior has more to do with neurotransmitters than hormones, says veteran teacher and consultant Thomas Armstrong. His strategies will help educators reach adolescents through both their “emotional brain’’ and the still undeveloped ‘’rational brain.’’

5 Hacks Can Help Create a Culture of Readers

Gerard Dawson packs his brief book about literacy with hacks (fixes) to implement immediately and have a positive impact on classroom reading culture, says educator Laura Von Staden. He includes five problem-solving blueprints and ways to overcome pushback.

Deepen Math Thinking with Percussive Dance

Malke Rosenfeld’s Math on the Move is about changing student mindsets about mathematics through whole body movement. Linda Biondi finds it packed with K-8 classroom tested activities, coaching tips, video clips and more to have students “dancing in the aisles”!

4 Tips for Teaching Students SEL Skills

Integrating performance-boosting Social Emotional Learning requires educators to broaden school goals beyond pure academics. Debbie Silver shares four tips for teaching “Thrive” skills that lay the foundation for healthy, centered, and successful young adults.

199 Tips Help You Be a Successful Principal

Curious about the “Cart of good and evil” (Tip #153)? Retired principal Mary Thompson finds lots to like in Francy Fleck’s tips for succeeding in the challenging position of school leader. Quotations and research support the tips, and Thompson offers a rich sample.

Math Projects Need Deeper Math Lessons

State math consultant Sara Schafer is often asked for rich math projects at the elementary school level. While some of the projects in 10 Performance-Based Projects show promise, the lack of mathematically robust content in the grades 3-5 book disappoints her.