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For the term "Headlines Videos cleantalkorg2.ru Breaking News world news Breaking News world news Breaking News national and world news".

Creating New Scientists: Teaching with the NGSS

In Creating Scientists Christopher Moore helps readers better understand the reasoning behind the NGSS and how to implement the standards in classrooms. If teachers focus lessons with his goals in mind, says science educator Joyce Depenbusch, students will benefit.

Helping Striving Readers Become Thriving Readers

To reach the student who hasn’t made that essential positive connection with reading, you can do no better than apply the ideas detailed by Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward in From Striving to Thriving. Reviewer Linda Biondi recommends having a box of tissues handy.

How We Can Make Research Matter to Kids

Teachers don’t set out to bore students to death with fact-filled research projects. They want assignments where students *do something* with their facts. In her story about ‘Drew,’ former New Hampshire TOY Angie Miller provides the insight we need to spark their critical thinking and creativity.

Our Students’ Questions Should Be a Top Priority

Kids are always posing questions as they grow, but research shows that when they enter school, it’s mostly teachers doing the asking. Teacher educator Molly Ness offers six ideas for promoting questioning in our classrooms and letting student curiosity drive learning.

3 Times I Didn’t Lose My End-of-Year Cool!

As the school year winds down and heightened emotions proliferate, it’s easy for teachers to lose their cool. Student (and parent) behavior that would have been met with patience earlier suddenly ratchets up teacher frustrations. Rita Platt shares her coping strategies – laughter included!