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For the term "Cantu Addition City 1-855-531-1167 Flower delivery phone number".

Ways to Go Gradeless in a School That Grades

Arguing that grades not only limit learning but can actually interfere with it, Starr Sackstein makes the case in “Hacking Assessment” for going gradeless and shows how it can be part of a traditional grading school. Teacher Marek Dzianott agrees it works well with PBL.

A Leader’s Guide to Formative Assessment

The authors’ step-by-step formative assessment approach, along with a wealth of detailed resources, gives teachers and administrators the tools to implement a system of shared assessments with the power to transform a school. Erik Kreutner has just one reservation.

How to Succeed as a Cooperating Teacher

Author and veteran teacher educator Ann Weber outlines 3 key supervisory steps – preparation, coaching and evaluation – that can help cooperating teachers shine in their advisory roles and assure new teachers are ready to launch their careers in the middle grades.

Ideas to Improve Students’ Science Literacy

Help students build scientific literacy with the research-based strategies developed by Jennifer Altieri in her book Reading Science. Science teacher Joyce Depenbusch finds the ideas for vocabulary instruction and cross-curricular projects especially helpful.

How Do We Integrate STEM Across Subjects?

Some schools are putting all subjects under a big STEM tent. Can they stay true to STEM’s engineering focus? Anne Jolly talks to schoolwide-STEM expert Judy Duke, who points to History class. Teachers writing lessons should always ask: “What problems needed to be solved?”

Help Kids Thrive in a Screen-Filled World

Screenwise by Devorah Heitner is a book for both educators and parents that adopts “a gloriously positive attitude” about adults’ ability to learn and model wise use of the digital tools that engage people of all ages today. Teacher-author Heather Wolpert-Gawron finds lots of wisdom and lots to use.

Writing Personal Memoir with Tweens & Teens

In his guide to writing memoir with adolescents, Jake Wizner shares what he has learned as a writer teaching writers: how to balance honesty and discretion in student writing and how to reach writers of all levels. Fellow 8th grade teacher Brian Kelley loves it.