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5 Essential Tech Tools Keep Teachers Learning

Web-browsing teachers must not only harvest the ideas of others but curate what’s valuable and create opportunities online to stretch and grow, says former Kansas Teacher of the Year Curtis Chandler. He shares five digital tools to help make that happen.

Using Games to Teach Core Science Concepts

Faced with students struggling to learn complex science ideas in traditional ways, middle school teacher John Coveyou turned to classroom gaming as a solution. His colorful card games teach core concepts like ion-bonding, DNA principles and protein building.

Help Students Use Text-Based Evidence

In Teaching Interpretation educators Sonja Cherry-Paul and Dana Johansen provide a book packed with detailed guidance and resources to help students read closely, letting them slow down to notice, wonder and connect meaning, says reviewer Linda Biondi.

How to Integrate Tech Without Losing Your Mind

Veteran teacher-educator Jennifer Gonzalez knows the anxiety and frustration associated with learning to teach with technology. In this excerpt from her new book, Jenn shares her 7-step framework for adding more digital prowess to your teaching practice.

5 Ways to Make Kids Hate Your Class

Veteran educator Cheryl Mizerny is surrounded by committed teachers, but she knows that even the most well-intentioned can fall into bad habits that may make some students dread coming to their class. She shares the warning signs of five problem behaviors.

Guilty of Ineffective Classroom Management?

In this brisk book in ASCD’s Arias series, Jane Bluestein reviews 7 popular classroom management practices that don’t work and then offers teacher behaviors that can build a positive learning environment. Reviewer Angie Grimes finds the 43-page book “short, sweet, and to the point.”

59 Reasons: A Guide for Teachers Who Write

In “59 Reasons to Write” Kate Messner shifts from teaching writers workshop and writing books for tweens to helping teachers build their own writing skills, assisted by more than 30 published authors. Reviewer Wendy Moore plans to try out their strategies.

CommonLit’s Free Texts Help Explore Big Ideas

CommonLit.Org is a nonprofit organization building a growing collection of supplemental texts, curated by teachers, for teachers, writes founder Michelle Brown. The free and open resource is cross-curricular, organized around themes and essential questions.