QR Code Shortcode Usage
[qr data="" Any string that you want to encode into a QR code is_link="true" If true, the code image will be a link to a higher resolution QR code width="200" width of the code image in pixels height="200" height of the code image in pixels /]
If you put in a lot of data, be sure to increase the image size so that older devices won’t have a hard time trying to capture the QR codes
[qr data="http://themeforest.net/user/bfintal/portfolio?ref=bfintal"/]
[qr data=”http://themeforest.net/user/bfintal/portfolio?ref=bfintal”/]
vCard QR Code Shortcode Usage
[vcard full_name="" The full name of the contact is_link="true" If true, the code image will be a link to a higher resolution QR code width="200" width of the code image in pixels height="200" height of the code image in pixels last_name="" The last name of the contact first_name="" The first name of the contact prefix="" A name prefix of the contact, i.e. Mr., Mrs., Dr., Eng. suffix="" A name suffix of the contact, i.e. M.D., S.J., Jr. job_title="" A job title org="" Organization / Company name photo_url="" A URL pointing to a photo of the contact phone_home="" Home phone number phone_work="" Work phone number phone_mobile="" Mobile phone number work_street="" Street name of the contact's office work_city="" City of the contact's office work_region="" Region / State of the contact's office work_zip="" Zip code of the contact's office work_country="" Country of the contact's office home_street="" Street name of the contact's home home_city="" City of the contact's home home_region="" Region / State of the contact's home home_zip="" Zip code of the contact's home home_country="" Country of the contact's home email="" Primary email address of the contact url="" Website URL /]
All the fields are optional here, but at least put in a full_name.
If you put in a lot of data, be sure to increase the image size so that older devices won’t have a hard time trying to capture the QR codes
[vcard full_name="Mr. Adam Smith" prefix="Mr." first_name="Adam" last_name="Smith" phone_mobile="+123456789" email="adam.smith@email.com" width="250" height="250"/]
[vcard full_name=”Mr. Adam Smith” prefix=”Mr.” first_name=”Adam” last_name=”Smith” phone_mobile=”+123456789″ email=”adam.smith@email.com” width=”250″ height=”250″/]