Tagged: assessment

Narrative Writing Ideas Built on Mentor Texts

Sean Ruday’s practical ideas and teaching strategies for narrative writing should reduce the stress levels of writing teachers all across the country, writes consultant Anne Anderson. To speed things along, he has included excerpts from the mentor texts he features.

Why and How to Flip Your Writing Workshop

Dana Johansen and Sonja Paul nudge writing workshop to a new level with flipped mini-lessons, allowing more time for teachers to conference with students. Teacher leader Sandy Wisneski says to keep the step-by-step, easy-to-read and resource laden book close by.

First-Rate Math Tasks & Rubrics (Grades 4-5)

In a newly revised edition of Performance Tasks and Rubrics for Upper Elementary Mathematics, Charlotte Danielson and Joshua Dragoon show that developing performance tasks and using scoring rubrics are integrally linked. Math lead teacher Barb Rock says it’s an ideal PD tool for schools and systems.

Ways to Go Gradeless in a School That Grades

Arguing that grades not only limit learning but can actually interfere with it, Starr Sackstein makes the case in “Hacking Assessment” for going gradeless and shows how it can be part of a traditional grading school. Teacher Marek Dzianott agrees it works well with PBL.

How to Create a PBL, Performance-Driven School

“Transforming Schools” presents a proven school model built on project based learning and performance assessment, with advice from three leaders of Envision Schools on how to reinvent systems, reshape school culture, and navigate the inevitable challenges.

Warm Ways to Deepen Historical Thinking

On each page of History Class Revisited, teacher Jody Passanisi reveals a deep knowledge of middle school minds and hearts and offers many engaging strategies to help students on the way from literal to critical thinking about history, says reviewer Sarah Cooper.

How Do We Assess Students’ Digital Work?

Assessing Students’ Digital Writing provides teachers with a clear path to examine the compositional moves of young writers working with various media in a way that makes sense to the teachers and still gives meaningful feedback for kids, says Kevin Hodgson.

Why Becoming an NBCT May Be Right for You

NBCT Amber Chandler looks at three factors that might be holding teachers back from pursuing National Board Certification – finding time, covering the cost, or “already being a good teacher” – and offers her reasons why you should move beyond all three obstacles.