Tagged: Barbara Blackburn

Modeling: What Students See Is What They Get

In the classroom, writes author and teaching expert Barbara Blackburn, students are influenced by three things they observe: the teacher as role model; the physical environment; and other role models teachers introduce. Good tips for new and preservice educators.

An Easy-to-Access Guide to Instruction

With short chapters, graphic organizers, rubrics and acronyms, the strategies in Barbara Blackburn’s updated Classroom Instruction for A to Z are right at the fingertips of busy teachers, ready for trial runs or implementation, says educator Laura Von Staden.

Sustaining School Innovation Year After Year

Innovation efforts never cease in today’s high-stakes school environment. But effort isn’t enough, say leadership experts Ron Williamson & Barbara Blackburn. Lasting change requires leaders to share ownership and invest long-term in professional learning support.

3 Ways to Encourage Ownership of Learning

Ultimately, teachers have the final say in the classroom. But when they share some ownership with students, they create a true community of learners and reap benefits for themselves. Expert Barbara Blackburn shares three ideas about building student ownership.

School Leadership: Finding the Right People

First, effective school leaders have to hire the right people. Leadership experts and former principals Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share tips about generational characteristics, interview protocols, and the kinds of questions principals shouldn’t ask.

6 Ways Teachers Can Stay Inspired This Year

Taking care of ourselves means finding time to rest, getting enough exercise, and having balance in our lives. It also means being inspired about who we are and what we do. Barbara Blackburn shares six ways she has incorporated inspiration into her teaching life.

Principalship from A to Z: A Book for All Leaders

In “The Principalship from A to Z” Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer a detailed, practical resource that works as PD as well as an effective manual to help all educators navigate the challenges of leadership, says assistant principal Mike Janatovich.

What We Risk When We Jump to Conclusions

Troublemakers. Forgetters. The Clingers. The Confused. Barbara Blackburn looks at how we often jump to conclusions and miss chances to build trust, explore the needs behind the behaviors, and help students grow. Once we jump, she warns, it’s hard to jump back.

Four Summer Strategies for School Leaders

Summer offers a rare opportunity for principals to devote ample time to their own professional learning, say Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn. The leadership consultants offer four summer strategies to help assure continuous growth as an effective leader.

School Leadership: How to Team with Families

Every principal needs to lead a coordinated schoolwide effort to interact with families in ways that support students, the school and the larger community. Former principals Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer a rich set of strategies to accomplish this goal.